Can people of foreign nationality(non-Japanese nationality)make a contract of Japanese insurance?


People of foreign nationality sometimes come to
「Hoken Soudan Salon F.L.P」.
Can people of foreign nationality(non-Japanese nationality)make a contract of Japanese insurance?

※Japanese page is here

People of foreign nationality of two million people live in Japan

(Source: Ministry of Justice ,The number of foreign residents in 2013 the end of June)

People of foreign nationality(non-Japanese nationality)can make a contract of Japanese insurance.
However, you must meet the following items

・You live in Japan. And you have 「residence card」,「special permanent resident
certificate」or「alien registration」.
(If you are staying in Japan in student visa or a tourist visa, you can’t make a contract of
Japanese insurance)

・You can read and write Japanese and it is possible to understand of the contract related
documents(Important description, written notice, stipulation).

・You have a bank account in Japan(To be used to pay account of insurance premiums).

※By the insurance company of the contract plan, you will need to submit documents and
other requirements It is a good idea to check over the counter conditions of detailed

